Friday, September 24, 2010

Separation of Concerns with Domain Events

Take a look at this nasty code:

[HttpPost, UnitOfWork]
public ActionResult Confirm(Order order)
    order.OrderStatus = OrderStatus.Created;

        var mailingListSubscription = new MailingListSubscription
            Contact = order.PostalContact,
            Email = order.Email,
            DateSubscribed = DateTime.Now


    return this.RedirectToAction<OrderController>(c => c.Item(order.Id));

This is a controller action from Suteki Shop that is fired when the user confirms an order. There is no separation of concerns (SOC) here. In a single action method we change the status of the order, check to see if the user should be added to our mailing list, email the order confirmation, and finally create a new basket for the user. What we should really be doing here is simply asking the order to update its status:

[HttpPost, UnitOfWork]
public ActionResult Confirm(Order order)

    return this.RedirectToAction<OrderController>(c => c.Item(order.Id));

This is much nicer. But the actions that occur as a result of the order confirmation still need to happen. We have a dilemma now, good design says we shouldn’t inject services into our domain entities (Order in this case), but in order to update the mailing list, send an email and create a new basket, we have no choice but to invoke those domain services. Even if we could access domain services from our entities, it would be another SOC violation to do it. Why should the order confirm method have to know about all the things that need to happen when an order is confirmed?

A really nice answer to this kind of issue is Udi Dahan’s Domain Event pattern. This pattern allows domain entities to raise events without having to be aware of what the events will trigger. So the Order.Confirm() method looks like this:

public virtual void Confirm()
    OrderStatus = OrderStatus.Created;
    DomainEvent.Raise(new OrderConfirmed(this));

It simply alters its state as required, in this case setting its status to Created and then raises an event to tell the world what’s happened.

Events can be handled by zero or more handlers. Handlers implement a simple interface:

public interface IHandle<TEvent> where TEvent : class, IDomainEvent
    void Handle(TEvent @event);

Here’s the AddToMailingListOnOrderConfirmed handler that adds the user to our mailing list:

public class AddToMailingListOnOrderConfirmed : IHandle<OrderConfirmed>
    readonly IRepository<MailingListSubscription> mailingListRepository;

    public AddToMailingListOnOrderConfirmed(IRepository<MailingListSubscription> mailingListRepository)
        this.mailingListRepository = mailingListRepository;

    public void Handle(OrderConfirmed orderConfirmed)
        if (orderConfirmed == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("orderConfirmed");

        var order = orderConfirmed.Order;
        if (!order.ContactMe) return;

        var mailingListSubscription = new MailingListSubscription
            Contact = order.PostalContact,
            Email = order.Email,
            DateSubscribed = DateTime.Now


We simply implement the IHandle interface for a specific event, in this case OrderConfirmed. Because the handler is supplied by our IoC container, we can specify any services we require for the handler to do its job, in this case we require an IRepository<MailingListSubscription> in order for the handler to do its job.

There are similar handlers to send the confirmation email and create the new basket.

I’m not going to repeat Udi’s whole post here. Go and read it to see how the DomainEvent class is implemented. However I will repeat a crucial point: this is not about asynchronous messaging systems like MSMQ. The event pattern is simply a way to structure our software. When the order.Confirm() method is called, all the event handlers will fire synchronously before it returns.

Now there’s nothing to stop you from implementing an event handler that publishes an event onto an NServiceBus or MassTransit messaging system. Indeed, implementing domain events gives you the perfect hook for scaling your application as required by doing just that at a later date.

I really like this pattern, but there tend to be two concerns that people have when they encounter it:

  1. Static methods suck! How can I test a static method buried in my domain entity? Yes, it’s not good OO practice to use static methods, but I think for certain infrastructure concerns, it’s OK. Here we have a single static method that can allow us to do some very nice refactoring, so I believe it’s a good payoff. Testability is not really an issue if you implement the DomainEvent class correctly.
  2. It’s not clear what exactly is going to happen when I call order.Confirm(). Yes there is a level of indirection here, but that is a good thing. You can see that a domain event is being raised, and it’s pretty easy to find all the handlers, so I'd argue that it’s not really a problem.

If you want to see more detail, you can browse my commit for this change in the Suteki Shop source code:

Friday, September 17, 2010

How Conventions Can Massively Save Typing

Code is evil. It’s hard to understand, hard to get right, and hard to maintain. Every extra line of code you write is a bit of legacy that someone, probably you, is going to have to care about for as long as it’s used. Our first law as programmers should be to strive to write as little code as possible.

One of the things that really helps me write less code is conventions. By knowing that a particular thing will always be implemented in a certain way, we can write generic code that deals with the general case rather than the specific one. With Object Oriented languages like C# you do this with polymorphism. Build generic solutions around interfaces and follow conventions about how those interfaces are implemented.

I’ll show you some examples from my little eCommerce project, Suteki Shop.

The first convention I follow is to make every entity in my model implement the IEntity interface:

public interface IEntity
    int Id { get; set; }

It’s almost trivial, but it means that I know when a instance of an object is an entity and I know how to access its Id. A large proportion of my entities have a name property, so I generalise that too with INamedEntity:

public interface INamedEntity : IEntity
    string Name { get; set; }

For some of my entities, their order is important. They implement:

public interface IOrderable
    int Position { get; set; }

Others can be active or inactive:

public interface IActivatable
    bool IsActive { get; set; }

And the list goes on.

Now I know what is an entity and how to access its Id, it’s very easy to write a generic repository:

public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
    T GetById(int id);
    IQueryable<T> GetAll();
    void SaveOrUpdate(T entity);
    void DeleteOnSubmit(T entity);

We had an excellent debate about this a while back (check out the comments). I now would never claim this has anything to do with Domain Driven Development :)

Because I know if an entity is orderable I can write a generic orderable service:

public interface IOrderableService<T>
    where T : class, IOrderable
    IOrderServiceWithPosition<T> MoveItemAtPosition(int postion);
    int NextPosition { get; }

So now I can write generic code that persists entities to the database. I can easily write a generic controller, generic views, generic grids that show things in order. Because I know if an entity can be represented as an Id, Name pair, I can write generic code for drop down list boxes.

I start to get to the point where introducing a new entity is simply a question of defining its class. Development can proceed at a very rapid pace without writing much code.

The great thing about this approach is that if I want to create something more complex I can write it. I don’t have to use my generic controller I can create a specialised version if necessary.

Of course none of this is new, but it’s sometimes easy to forget how easy it is to leverage simple polymorphism to radically reduce the amount of code you need to write.

Implementing a ‘Money’ type in an ASP.NET MVC and NHibernate application.

Years ago I read Kent Beck’s seminal Test Driven Development. The first third of the book is a complete worked example of building a Currency type using TDD and I remember thinking at the time that this was an incredibly powerful technique. Rather than using basic data types -  int, string, DateTime - we could define what we actually meant. Rather than having a property Age of type int, we would define an Age type. Rather than two string properties we could define a Name type. One of the factors in moving Suteki Shop from Linq-to-SQL to NHibernate was NHibernate’s support for more complex finer-grained mapping.

When I first hacked together Suteki Shop, I used the decimal type everywhere I needed to represent money. This has mostly worked well for the simple scenario where a shop only has a single currency and that currency is sterling (£). But anyone wanting to sell in US dollars had to find every one of the many instances of “£” and replace them with “$”, and if you wanted to do something fancy with multiple currencies, you would have been out of luck. What I needed was a Money type. It’s not a trivial refactoring. Here are the steps I needed to take:

  1. Create a Money type that behaved as far as possible like a .NET numeric type.
  2. Create an ASP.NET MVC IModelBinder that knew how to bind the Money type.
  3. Create an NHibernate IUserType that knew how to persist the Money type.
  4. Change every point in the code that was using decimal to represent money to use the Money type instead.

Create a Money type

I wanted to create a Money type that would behave nicely when I did arithmetic with it. So I wanted to be able to write expression like this:

var x = new Money(43.5M);
var result = x * 3 + x/2 - 4;

To achieve this you have to write a lot of operator overloads for all combinations of operator, Money <-> Money, Money <-> decimal and decimal <-> Money. I won’t bore you, if you want to see the gory details, you can view the code here.

I also wanted my Money type to include the currency symbol when ToString was invoked, so I would get “£12.54” rather than “12.54”, but I found that this caused lots of problems with HTML forms and the default behaviour of the MVC HtmlHelper extensions. In the end I left ToString returning the number without the currency symbol and implemented a new method ToStringWithSymbol with it included. It feels like a horrible hack though.

I also overrode the equality operator, GetHashCode and Equals so make Money behave as expected in equality operations.

public class Money
    public decimal Amount { get; private set; }

    public Money(decimal amount)
        Amount = amount;

    public static string Symbol
        get { return "£"; }

    public static Money Zero
        get { return new Money(0M);}

    public override string ToString()
        return Amount.ToString("0.00");

    public string ToStringWithSymbol()
        return Amount.ToString(Symbol + "0.00");

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Amount.GetHashCode();

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        var otherMoney = obj as Money;
        if (otherMoney == null) return false;
        return Amount.Equals(otherMoney.Amount);

    public bool Equals(Money otherMoney)
        if (otherMoney == null) return false;
        return Amount.Equals(otherMoney.Amount);

    public static bool operator ==(Money a, Money b)
        // If both are null, or both are same instance, return true.
        if (ReferenceEquals(a, b))
            return true;

        // If one is null, but not both, return false.
        if (((object)a == null) || ((object)b == null))
            return false;

        return a.Amount == b.Amount;

    public static bool operator !=(Money a, Money b)
        return !(a == b);

Create an ASP.NET MVC IModelBinder

I wanted any of my forms that posted money values to work seamlessly when binding to entities with Money properties. For this to work I had to implement an IModelBinder for Money.

Creating the ModelBinder was pretty straightforward since I was just binding to a simple type.

public class MoneyBinder : IModelBinder
    public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
        if (!typeof (Money).IsAssignableFrom(bindingContext.ModelType))
            throw new SutekiCommonException(
                "MoneyBinder has attempted to bind to type '{0}', but may only bind to Money",

        var valueProviderResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);

            var decimalValue = (decimal)valueProviderResult.ConvertTo(typeof(decimal));
            return new Money(decimalValue);
        catch (Exception exception)
            bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(bindingContext.ModelName, "Not a valid price.");
            return null;

But it could have been much easier. The IModelBinder interface doesn’t make it easy to work out how you are supposed to do simple binding. A SimpleModelBinder<T> with an abstract method like: T BindSimpleModel(string value) would have been nice.

The MoneyBinder is registered as a binder for the Money type in Global.asax.cs:

ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(Money), new MoneyBinder());

Create an NHibernate IUserType

I wanted any entity that had a property of type Money to get automatically persisted by NHibernate as a numeric value. To do this I needed an IUserType. This tells NHibernate how to persist your custom type.

To create the NHibernate IUserType I borrowed Darrell Mozingo’s excellent BaseImmutableUserType<T>. With this it’s fairly straightforward:

public class MoneyUserType : BaseImmutableUserType<Money>
    public override object NullSafeGet(IDataReader rs, string[] names, object owner)
        var amount = ((decimal?)NHibernateUtil.Decimal.NullSafeGet(rs, names[0]));
        return amount.HasValue ? new Money(amount.Value) : Money.Zero;

    public override void NullSafeSet(IDbCommand cmd, object value, int index)
        var moneyObject = value as Money;
        object valueToSet;

        if (moneyObject != null)
            valueToSet = moneyObject.Amount;
            valueToSet = DBNull.Value;

        NHibernateUtil.Decimal.NullSafeSet(cmd, valueToSet, index);

    public override SqlType[] SqlTypes
            return new[]

To register the MoneyUserType I just added a convention to my Fluent NHibernate setup:

public class FluentNHibernateConfigurationBuilder : IConfigurationBuilder

    public static void ConfigureMappings(MappingConfiguration mappingConfiguration)
            .AddFromAssembly(typeof (ProductMap).Assembly)
                PrimaryKey.Name.Is(x => x.EntityType.Name + "Id"),
                new MoneyConvention());

public class MoneyConvention : UserTypeConvention<MoneyUserType>{}

Change every point in the code that was using decimal to represent money to use the Money type instead

I had naively hoped that a good enough Money class would allow me to just change the type of money properties from decimal to Money and have done with it. But even with the operator overloading I found that there were many places where I needed to add ‘.Amount’ to make the code behave. I could have implemented an implicit cast, but I don’t like not knowing where types are being converted. I’ve found in the past that it can lead to subtle, hard to find, bugs.

What I have now is a single point where I can change the way money behaves in Suteki Shop. Providing multi-currency or changing the behaviour of money in any way should be far easier. And if you simply want to take Suteki Shop and sell in Dollars, Yen or Euros, it’s now just a single line change to the code. And yes, configurable currencies will come very soon.

Some thoughts on the C# type system

This was far more work than it needs to be and is a clear example of the deficiencies of the C# type system. With Haskell’s type classes or Scalar’s implicits it would have been possible to create a new numeric type without having the change ripple through the entire application. The Scalar implicit is a very interesting idea and would surely be a very cool addition to the C# type system. Anders?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Getting the Property Name From a Property Expression

Here’s a common problem. Say we have a function that returns the name of a property from a property expression:

public static string GetPropertyNameFromPropertyExpression<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)

We might use it like this:

var propertyName = GetPropertyNameFormPropertyExpression<Grandparent>(g => g.Parent.Child.Name);

Which should output:


The problem splits itself nicely into three parts:

  1. Get each chained property name.
  2. Intersperse with some separator, in our case “.”
  3. Concatenate.

We’ll do the hardest part first, recursively walking down the expression, yielding PropertyInfos as we go:

public static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProperties<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)
    return GetProperties(propertyExpression.Body);

private static IEnumerable<PropertyInfo> GetProperties(Expression expression)
    var memberExpression = expression as MemberExpression;
    if (memberExpression == null) yield break;

    var property = memberExpression.Member as PropertyInfo;
    if (property == null)
        throw new SutekiCommonException("Expression is not a property accessor");
    foreach (var propertyInfo in GetProperties(memberExpression.Expression))
        yield return propertyInfo;
    yield return property;

This will return an list of properties for ‘Parent’, ‘Child’ then ‘Name’. It uses the classic recursion pattern of a guard clause (testing for a null MemberExpression) followed by the recursive call. It also shows that you can use the ‘yield return’ syntax recursively. It’s a shame there’s not a ‘yield many’ statement, then we wouldn’t have to do the foreach loop and trigger the enumeration.

We can get the names of the properties by selecting the PropertyInfo.Name:

GetProperties<Grandparent>(g => g.Parent.Child.Name).Select(property => property.Name)

Next we need a function to intersperse our “.”. We can write this as a very generic Intersperse:

public static IEnumerable<T> Intersperse<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, T separator)
    var first = true;
    foreach (var item in items)
        if (first) first = false;
            yield return separator;
        yield return item;

Last of all we need a 'Concat’ function to concatenate the strings together:

public static string Concat(this IEnumerable<string> items)
    return items.Aggregate("", (agg, item) => agg + item);

Now we can fill in the body of our GetPropertyNameFromPropertyExpression function:

public static string GetPropertyNameFromPropertyExpression<T>(Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)
    return GetProperties<Grandparent>(g => g.Parent.Child.Name)
        .Select(property => property.Name)

I’m becoming a big fan of a more functional style of programming. Granted it’s not as efficient as the imperative version, but I really like the elegance. Anyone who’s looked at Haskell will recognise the ‘Intersperse’ and ‘Concat’ functions, although my crappy C# versions are rather blunt instruments compared with the beauty of Haskell.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Trust Your Instincts! Or how to stay interested in programming

I just read a blog post by John Sonmez, Keep Pressing on my Friend (When programming seems bleak). It’s all about the lack of motivation that hits everyone at one time or another.

“Do you ever get the feeling that you just want to get a cabin in the woods and never see a computer again?”

John’s advice is to ‘keep pressing on’, but I don’t agree. I think forcing yourself to do something that your mind is rebelling against is just going to make the burn-out worse long term. Maybe you should just go to the cabin in the woods? After a week or two you’d probably be itching for a programming challenge.

My advice is different: follow your instincts. Keep your child-like curiosity alive and don’t force yourself to learn something you’ve no inherent interest in.

I’ve got two small children, Leo 8 and Yuna 2. They are always curious, always wanting to know why things are the way they are, and what this or that is. They don’t get burn-out. But they are quite picky about what they are interested in learning. I can’t insist that they pay attention to any particular thing, and a lot of things I’d like them to care about, they simply don’t. It’s as if they have some inner guide telling them what is important and what is not. But when something does intrigue them, they show total concentration.

When something really intrigues me, I’m the same. There’s no effort involved in forcing myself to learn more about it. It’s the opposite, it’s a pleasure. The problem is that I can’t make myself interested in something. I can’t get intrigued by WCF simply because I think I ought to be learning it. Forcing myself to learn something I have no particular interest in is slow and painful. Even if I do struggle through, I find it hard to retain what I’ve learnt.

I’ve come to the conclusion that there is simply no point struggling with stuff I’m not interested in. It’s just not worth it. In any case, if I don’t find something interesting, why would I want to be doing it in the first place? I’m now trying a new learning technique. I call it ‘wow, that’s cool’ focused learning. Regardless if anything is necessary for professional development, or other grown up reasons, I’m simply going to focus on stuff that grabs me.

For example, for the last couple of months I’ve been working (very) slowly through Bryan O’Sullivan’s ‘Real World Haskell’, not because I think that I’ll get a better daily rate if I put it on my CV, but because Haskell is an awesomely different way of thinking about programming. Is it ‘better’ or ‘more useful’? Will it ‘work in corporate IT’? Will the Morts understand it? Is it relevant in any way? I don’t care. I think it’s cool and that’s all matters.

Programming is the best job in the world. You get to play on the cutting edge of human culture, making the future up as you go. It can never be boring. Don’t let ‘serious’ considerations get in the way of the pure intellectual joy it can give you.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

More Boilerplate Code Removal

In my quest to never repeat myself, here’s another little trick that I use.

Say we have a number of operations represented by methods that all take the same parameter. Here’s the static data creation code in Suteki Shop again:

public void Insert1()
    var sessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
    using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
    using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())


It’s really boring that we have to repeatedly write ‘(session)’. Is there anther way? Oh yes! Enter my ‘ApplyTo’ extension method:

public static void ApplyTo<T>(this T arg, params Action<T>[] actions)
    Array.ForEach(actions, action => action(arg));

Now our Insert method looks much cleaner:

public void Insert()
    var sessionFactory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
    using (var session = sessionFactory.OpenSession())
    using (var transaction = session.BeginTransaction())


Isn’t that nicer?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Adventures in Repetitive Code

One of the things you often see in legacy systems is repetitive little blocks of code. Take this example from Suteki Shop, here we’re inserting some static data into the database to setup the initial set of roles:

static void InsertRoles1(ISession session)
    var admin = new Role { Id = 1, Name = "Administrator" };
    var orderProcessor = new Role { Id = 2, Name = "Order Processor" };
    var customer = new Role { Id = 3, Name = "Customer" };
    var guest = new Role { Id = 4, Name = "Guest" };

The only thing that varies in these four code blocks is the id and the name. One way of factoring this out would be to write a little nested private class:

private class RoleInserter
    private readonly ISession session;

    public RoleInserter(ISession session)
        this.session = session;

    public void Insert(int id, string name)
        var role = new Role { Id = id, Name = name };

So our InsertRoles method now looks like this:

static void InsertRoles1(ISession session)
    var roleInserter = new RoleInserter(session);

    roleInserter.Insert(1, "Administrator");
    roleInserter.Insert(2, "Order Processor");
    roleInserter.Insert(3, "Customer");
    roleInserter.Insert(4, "Guest");

But now we’ve actually got more code in total than before. Also it’s one of the unfortunate things about object oriented programming that simple utility functions like this are awkward. The silly name of the class ‘RoleInserter’ is a dead giveaway. Steve Yegge calls it The Kingdom of Nouns. We don’t really need a whole class, we just need a single function.

Let’s use a closure to replace RoleInserter with a function:

private static Action<int, string> GetRoleInserter(ISession session)
    return (id, name) =>
        var role = new Role { Id = id, Name = name };

Now our InsertRoles method looks like this:

static void InsertRoles1(ISession session)
    var insertRole = GetRoleInserter(session);

    insertRole(1, "Administrator");
    insertRole(2, "Order Processor");
    insertRole(3, "Customer");
    insertRole(4, "Guest");

There’s little need to factor out the GetRoleInserter, it’s simpler just to write it in line:

static void InsertRoles(ISession session)
    Action<int, string> insertRole = (id, name) =>
        var role = new Role {Id = id, Name = name};

    insertRole(1, "Administrator");
    insertRole(2, "Order Processor");
    insertRole(3, "Customer");
    insertRole(4, "Guest");

That’s much nicer. Using lambdas like this can really clean up little repetitive code blocks.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Using the Visitor Pattern with Domain Entities

Here is an interesting problem I was faced with recently while working on a Case Management system. The core entity of this system is the Case, which represents a group of people working on a single incident or investigation. Each case is made up of a number of Activities, and these in turn are made up of a number of Tasks. A requirement of the system is that Cases, Activities and Tasks can all have notes attached to them. When the user asks for the notes against a case they want to also see all the notes attached to the case’s activities and tasks. The model looks like this:


There were other requirements that also needed us to collect information from the entire aggregate. The functionality to navigate the aggregate - to go from a case to its activities and then to its tasks - needed to be separate from whatever we needed to do at each entity. In the notes case, we wanted to collect all the notes, but when calculating the time taken on a case, we wanted to add up all the time taken on each individual task.

This is a perfect scenario for the visitor pattern. It is designed to separate out the navigation of relationships from the action that needs to be performed at each node.

All our domain entities implement a layer supertype called Entity. We added the ability for the entity to accept a visitor and for child collections to be registered:

public interface IEntity
    TVsistor AcceptVisitor<TVsistor>(TVsistor visitor) where TVsistor : IDomainVisitor;

public class Entity : IEntity
    private IEnumerable<IEntity> childEntities;

    public TVsistor AcceptVisitor<TVsistor>(TVsistor visitor) where TVsistor : IDomainVisitor
        visitor.Visit(this, VisitChildren);
        return visitor;

    protected void RegisterChildCollection(IEnumerable<IEntity> childCollection)
        childEntities = childEntities == null ? childCollection : childEntities.Concat(childCollection);

    private void VisitChildren(IDomainVisitor visitor)
        if (childEntities == null) return;
        foreach (var childEntity in childEntities)

The Domain Visitor interface is very simple, a Visit method accepts an entity to visit and a visitChildren delegate so that the visitor can optionally visit the entity’s children in whatever order it wants:

public interface IDomainVisitor
    void Visit(IEntity entity, Action<IDomainVisitor> visitChildren);

Here is our domain model, notice that we register Activities as a child collection of Case and Tasks as a child collection of Activity. We could also have registered each Notebook’s Notes collection as well, but so far there’s no requirement to include notes in any of the traversals of case. Note also the Notes property of Case. It creates and accepts a NotebookVisitor (see below) that collects all the notes from the graph:

public class Case : Entity, IHaveNotes
    private readonly IList<Activity> activities = new List<Activity>();
    public IList<Activity> Activities
        get { return activities; }

    public Case()

    public Notebook Notebook { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<Note> Notes
            return AcceptVisitor(new NotebookVisitor()).Notes;

public class Activity : Entity, IHaveNotes
    private readonly IList<Task> tasks = new List<Task>();
    public IList<Task> Tasks
        get { return tasks; }

    public Activity()

    public Notebook Notebook { get; set; }

public class Task : Entity, IHaveNotes
    public Notebook Notebook { get; set; }

public interface IHaveNotes
    Notebook Notebook { get; set; }

public class Notebook
    private readonly IList<Note> notes = new List<Note>();
    public IList<Note> Notes
        get { return notes; }

public class Note
    public string Text { get; set; }

Finally here’s the NotebookVisitor, it simply checks if the currently visited entity has notes and then appends them to its notes collection:

public class NotebookVisitor : IDomainVisitor
    public IEnumerable<Note> Notes { get; private set; }

    public void Visit(IEntity entity, Action<IDomainVisitor> visitChildren)
        var iHaveNotes = entity as IHaveNotes;
        if (iHaveNotes != null)
            Notes = Notes == null ? iHaveNotes.Notebook.Notes : Notes.Concat(iHaveNotes.Notebook.Notes);

Here’s a test that shows all this working:

public void NotebookVisitor_visits_all_notes_in_graph()
    Func<string, Notebook> createNotebook = text => new Notebook
        Notes = {new Note {Text = text}}

    Func<string, Task> createTask = text => new Task
        Notebook = createNotebook(text)
    var @case = new Case
        Activities =
                new Activity
                    Tasks =
                            createTask("Task 1 note"),
                            createTask("Task 2 note")
                    Notebook = createNotebook("Activity 1 note")
                new Activity
                    Tasks =
                            createTask("Task 3 note"),
                            createTask("Task 4 note")
                    Notebook = createNotebook("Activity 2 note")
        Notebook = createNotebook("Case 1 note")

    foreach (var note in @case.Notes)

Which prints out:

Case 1 note
Activity 1 note
Task 1 note
Task 2 note
Activity 2 note
Task 3 note
Task 4 note

If you have lots of repeated code in your application that has loops within loops navigating down object graphs in order to collect some information or perform some action, take a look at the visitor pattern, it may save you a lot of typing.