Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brighton ALT.NET show and tell night videos

Back on the 1st February we had a show and tell night at Brighton ALT.NET – Thanks to Keith Bloom, who brought his video camera along and then went through the painful process of uploading them all to Vimeo, we can now present the show and tell videos:

Steve Mason - N2 CMS

A quick tour of the best open source CMS on the planet. Homepage - http://n2cms.com/ Source code - http://github.com/n2cms/n2cms/ (the Google code & codeplex repositories are old & unused) Discussions - http://n2cms.codeplex.com/discussions

Andrew Cherry - Socket Machine

A .NET server toolkit that you can use to build any socket based server on .NET with a very nice fluent API. The source will be opened up soon on Github, for now follow @socketmachine - announcements etc. will always be there from now on. Code will be published under the xyncro org on Github (https://github.com/xyncro) but be aware that there is nothing currently there now - this is intentional.

Jay Kannan - Kinect in .NET

Using the Kinect to control .NET applications. the demo concentrated on a Game Environment using the XNA platform and 3D physics for creating and bouncing bubbles around the screen. a long way to go to make it usable. the Kinect is clearly the best Augmented reality / motion control platform of choice for Kiosk makers and for public user interaction. look at the links below for more information. Kinect Hacks. PrimeSense OpenNI - this is the official library from the CHipset guys that I'm using. OpenKinect. Code Laboratories.

Michael Steele - Netduino

blog My introductory blog for netduino - will update with the burglar alarm & operation game
Netduino forum
.Net Micro Framework
tinyclr Fez community website - Another board running .Net Micro Framework
Scott Hanselman Micro Framework/Netduino podcasts
Build Brighton meet every Thursday at The Skiff to tinker with electronics.

Me - Monads in C#

This is a very compressed, and probably meaningless 15 minute version of my hour long DDD9 talk. Session code on github. The Monad Wikipedia page is excellent, if somewhat intimidating. The references and external links are an excellent starting point for further investigation.

Paul Hazells - Can twitter predict the stock market?

Unfortunately, Keith's video recorder died by this point, so we don't have Paul's excellent session. Very sorry Paul. But here are the links:

http://aws.amazon.com/free/ - AWS Free Usage Tier
http://nodejs.org/ - node.js
https://github.com/isaacs/npm - npm (node package manager)
https://github.com/technoweenie/twitter-node - twitter-node
https://github.com/indexzero/forever - forever
http://omnipotent.net/jquery.sparkline/ - sparklines (for the graphs)
http://html5boilerplate.com/ I forgot to mention the HTML5 boilerplate which I've also used. I saw a few of the group at the DDD9 talk on this so thought it might be of interest. I'd definitely recommend it for new projects, especially if you need to support older browsers.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to ask me either at a meeting or via twitter: @paulhazells

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