Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Resolving arrays with Windsor

Here's a class that takes an array of ISubThing as a constructor parameter:

public class Thing
    readonly List<ISubThing> subThings = new List<ISubThing>();
    public Thing(params ISubThing[] subThings)
    public List<ISubThing> SubThings
        get { return subThings; }

Now can you guess what happens if we resolve this using MicroKernel? I naively thought that all my registered ISubThing services would get passed to the constructor, but in fact you get a handler exception saying that the container cannot find anything to supply the subThings property:

[Test, ExpectedException(typeof(HandlerException))]
public void DoesNotResolveArraysByDefault()
    var kernel = new DefaultKernel();
    var thing = kernel.Resolve<Thing>();

Hammett explains the problem here (check the comments) and shows an ArrayResolver that can be added to the kernel to enable the behaviour I was expecting. Now this test works:

public void ShouldResolveArrayOfDependencies()
    var kernel = new DefaultKernel();
    kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new ArrayResolver(kernel));
    var thing = kernel.Resolve<Thing>();
    Assert.That(thing.SubThings.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
    Assert.That(thing.SubThings[0], Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(First)));
    Assert.That(thing.SubThings[1], Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(Second)));
    Assert.That(thing.SubThings[2], Is.InstanceOfType(typeof(Third)));

As Hammett explains in his post, this is a dangerous thing to add to your container, because the implementation he gives doesn't check for circular dependencies. Say we have this class which implements ISubThing:

public class Circular : ISubThing
    public Thing Thing { get; private set; }
    public Circular(Thing thing)
        this.Thing = thing;

As you can see it takes a Thing in its constructor, so we'd expect a circular reference exception to be raised by the container. But this test shows that doesn't happen:

public void DoesNotDiscoverCircularDependencies()
    var kernel = new DefaultKernel();
    kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new ArrayResolver(kernel));
    // a circular reference exception should be thrown here
    // this crashes the test framework!
    // var thing = kernel.Resolve<Thing>();

Instead, if you un-comment the last line the test framework crashes.

Andrey Shchekin has a great series of posts comparing different IoC containers:


It's interesting that only StructureMap actually resolves array dependencies out of the box. It's such a nice feature with endless applications that I would have expected it to be more common. Interestingly MEF (which is trying very hard not to be seen as an IoC container) does this as one its core competencies. but then being able to discover a collection of components that supply a particular service is almost an essential requirement of its stated role as a plug-in framework.


  1. Anonymous4:59 am

    I don't know how big my array is going to be before runtime. Also, the array can be deleted and re-newed with a different number of elements.

    How do I handle that with Windsor?



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