Friday, February 09, 2007

Creating set based filters with custom iterators

Well it's back to work after a very nice two week break. I wrapped up my last contract with Ace Insurance in Crawley (hi guys!) three weeks ago, and I've been at my new assignment for a week now. I've been very busy getting up to speed with my new role (doing yet more application integration), but I did have time to skim MSDN where I came across this great article by Bill Wagner, titled 'Custom Iterators'. He talks about custom iterators, predicates and generics, all stuff that I'm quite familiar with, but it's the way he puts them together to create aggregate set functions, just like the ones that I've been discovering with functional languages like F#, that makes it really interesting. Custom iterators are new in C# 2.0 and make it really easy to create an instance of IEnumerable. Instead of implementing the entire interface, you just have to write a method that returns IEnumerable and has a yield statement for each item you want your IEnumerable to return. Behind the scenes the C# compiler creates an instance of IEnumerable for you by turning your method into a class with fields for all your local variables. For example, if you define an iterator that returns the numbers one to ten:
IEnumerable<int> OneToTen()
   for(int i=1; i<=10; i++)
       yield return i;
It will return an object of a class that you can imagine has a private field i and implements the IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() interface. You can then use the IEnumerator that it returns just like any other IEnumerator, for example:
public Test()
   IEnumerator<int> oneToTen = OneToTen().GetEnumerator();
   Console.WriteLine("{0}", oneToTen.Current);
   Console.WriteLine("{0}", oneToTen.Current);
Will output:
Now, the trick that Bill Wagner demonstrates, that hadn't occurred to me before is that you can also pass an instance of IEnumerable to your customer iterator to make a filters, transformers or any other set based operation you can think of. Here's a simple filter that only passes even numbers:
IEnumerable<int> Even(IEnumerable<int> list)
   foreach(int number in list)
       if(number % 2 == 0)
           yield return number;

public Test()
   foreach(int number in Even(OneToTen())
       Console.WriteLine("{0}", number);
Will output:
Bill's next trick to use anonymous delegates and generics to write a generic filter:
delegate bool Test<T>(T value);
IEnumerable<T> Filter<T>(IEnumerable<T> list, Test<T> test)
   foreach(T item in list)
           yield return item;

public Test()
   IEnumerable<int> evenNumbers = Filter<int>(OneToTen(), delegate(int number)
       return number % 2 == 0;
   foreach(int number in evenNumbers)
       Console.WriteLine("{0}", number);
Will output:
Very neat, but a bit long winded syntax wise I think. This will all change with C# 3.0's lambda expressions. It's yet another step towards a more functional programming style that's such a powerful addition to the programmer's toolbox.

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