Monday, October 23, 2006

Playing with Providers

'Inversion of control' (also known as 'dependency injection' or the 'dependency inversion principle') is a common OO pattern that allows you to decouple the layers of your application by removing the dependency of client class on a server class. It is not only good practice, but essential for writing unit tests. Rather than hard coding the server's concrete type in the client, you make the client refer to a server interface or abstract class and inject the concrete server at runtime. Sometimes you'll have the server injected by a co-ordinator or service class, but in many cases you want to be able to configure the server so that you can change the server's type without having to recompile the application. This becomes essential if you're writing a reusable framework where you want to allow your users to provide their own servers and indeed, the .NET base class library uses this pattern extensively. In previous versions of .NET you had to roll your own code to read the type information from a config file and then load the correct assembly and instantiate the correct type, but now in .NET 2.0 there's a Providers framework that makes it child's play to load in servers at runtime. The classes live in the System.Configuration.Provider namespace.

OK, my client uses this interface with a single method 'DoIt()':

public interface IServer
	void DoIt();

I have to define a base provider that implements this interface and extends System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase:

public abstract class ServerProvider : ProviderBase, IServer
	public abstract void DoIt();

I also need a custom configuration section to place my providers in. Note that we need to provide a 'DefaultProvider' property and a 'Providers' property. The DefaultProvider tells us which provider we should use, but allows us to keep multiple providers on hand if we, for example, want to allow the user to select from them at runtime. The Providers property is of type ProviderSettingsCollection that's supplied for us in the System.Configuration namespace. The new custom configuration section feature of .NET 2.0 is also really nice, but that's another post...

public class CustomConfigSection : ConfigurationSection
	public string DefaultProvider
		get { return (string)this["DefaultProvider"]; }

	public ProviderSettingsCollection Providers
		get{ return (ProviderSettingsCollection)this["Providers"]; }

Now, in our client we just grab our custom config section and use the System.Web.Configuration.ProvidersHelper class to load our providers, it's that easy. You can then just select the default provider or maybe provide a list for the user to select. I've left out all the error handling code to make it simpler, but you really should check that the stuff gets loaded that you're expecting

Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(
CustomConfigSection section = configuration.Sections["CustomConfigSection"] as CustomConfigSection;
ProviderCollection providers = new ProviderCollection();
ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProviders(section.Providers, providers, typeof(ServerProvider));
ServerProvider provider = (ServerProvider)providers[section.DefaultProvider];

Here's a sample provider called XmlServerProvider. Note the Initialize method that you have to implement. It takes the name of the provider and a name value collection 'config' that contains any properties that you might require to be set for your provider. In this case, apart from the common name and description properties, the provider also requires a 'filePath' property. You should also check that there aren't any superfluous properties in the configuration.

public class XmlServerProvider : ServerProvider
	string _filePath;

	public override void DoIt()
	public override void Initialize(string name, System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection config)
        if(config == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
            name = "XmlServerProvider";
            config.Add("description", "A xml based server");
        base.Initialize(name, config);

        // test that each property exists
        _filePath = config["filePath"];
            throw new ProviderException("filePath not found");

        // throw an exception if any unexpected properties are present
        if(config.Count > 0)
            string propertyName = config.GetKey(0);
                throw new ProviderException(string.Format("{0} unrecognised attribute: '{1}'",
                    Name, propertyName));

And last of all, here's a snippet from the App.config or Web.config file. You have to define your custom config section in the configSections section. Here we're loading the XmlServerProvider, note the name, type and filePath properties.

<section name="CustomConfigSection" type="MyAssembly.CustomConfigSection, MyAssembly" />
<Operation DefaultProvider="XmlServerProvider">
type="MyAssembly.XmlServerProvider, MyAssembly"
filePath="c:/temp/myXmlFile.xml" />


  1. Don't you find it a little odd that you derive from System.Configuration.ProviderBase and yet you need to use System.Web.Configuration.ProvidersHelper to instantiate your provider? I was hoping to use ProviderBase for project types other than ASP.NET I'm currently scratching my head a bit coming up with code for this.


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