Tuesday, January 12, 2010

10 Advanced Windsor Tricks – 1A. A Delegate Factory Facility

Here’s part 1A of my series: 10 Advanced Windsor Tricks.

Yes, I’m getting totally side-tracked already. After I published my first trick ‘Registering Delegates’ I got into a twitter conversation with Tuna Toksoz, who, if you don’t know already, is one of the Castle committers and a seriously hardcore when it comes to IoC containers :) Tuna got me thinking that it would be very simple to extend my delegate trick to create a facility to automatically return a factory for a registered type to any class with a dependency to Func<registered type>.

This isn’t an original idea, Autofac already has ‘auto generated factories’ that work in exactly this way.

Show me the code already. OK, say we have our ThingOne from before:

public class ThingOne : IThing
    public string SayHello(string name)
        return string.Format("ThingOne says hello to {0}", name);

And we also have a class, UsesThingFactory that has a dependency on Func<IThing>:

public class UsesThingFactory
    private readonly Func<IThing> thingFactory;

    public UsesThingFactory(Func<IThing> thingFactory)
        this.thingFactory = thingFactory;

    public IThing GetMeAThing()
        return thingFactory();

With my AutoFactoryFacility I don’t have to register Func<IThing>, just IThing and UsesThingFactory. The facility automatically creates the resolve delegate to hand to UsesThingFactory without any further action:

var container = new WindsorContainer()

var usesThingFactory = container.Resolve<UsesThingFactory>();


The facility only took a few minutes to knock together using a sub dependency resolver:

public class AutoFactoryFacility : IFacility
    public void Init(IKernel kernel, IConfiguration facilityConfig)
        kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new AutoFactoryResolver(kernel));

    public void Terminate(){}

public class AutoFactoryResolver : ISubDependencyResolver
    private readonly IKernel kernel;

    public AutoFactoryResolver(IKernel kernel)
        this.kernel = kernel;

    public object Resolve(
        CreationContext context, 
        ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver, 
        ComponentModel model, 
        DependencyModel dependency)
        var getResolveDelegateGeneric = GetType().GetMethod("GetResolveDelegate");
        var getResolveDelegateMethod = 
        return getResolveDelegateMethod.Invoke(this, null);

    public bool CanResolve(
        CreationContext context, 
        ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver, 
        ComponentModel model, 
        DependencyModel dependency)
        return dependency.TargetType.IsGenericType 
            && (dependency.TargetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof (Func<>))
            && (kernel.HasComponent(dependency.TargetType.GetGenericArguments()[0]));

    public Func<T> GetResolveDelegate<T>()
        return () => kernel.Resolve<T>();

Far too much reflection voodoo for my liking. There must be a more elegant way of doing this, but I can’t see it. But in any case it works and gives me a really nice way of grabbing components as needed without any nasty dependencies on service locators or having to manually create factories.

A further refinement would be to add Func<string, T> so that you can resolve typed components by name.


  1. I played with that idea myself, although from a different angle, which allows you to use just any delegate type (almost) (http://code.assembla.com/kkozmic/subversion/nodes/Garage/Castle.LightweightFactoryFacility?rev=78)

    This approach has a limitation though - what you usually want to fetch in this way, are transient services, and by using single delegate you don't really have a way of releasing them, so if you're using default tracking policy you have yourself a memory leak. That was the main reason why I didn't publish/blog about this stuff.
    You could go with pair of delegates,
    Func (Resolve),Action,(Release), but at this point it's better to use typed factory facility.

  2. Thanks Krzystof, that's a very good point.

  3. Excuse me if this is a little naive...

    As we are creating the instance via a factory then the container should not be responsible for tidying it up. It should be the responsibility of the class that used the factory.

    A fuller description is at http://elegantcode.com/2008/12/14/the-component-burden/
    I may be reading too much into Davy's article but it would seem to apply to this case.

    His "rules" were:
    - If you create an instance of a class, you are responsible for releasing/freeing/disposing it.
    - If a factory creates an instance of a class, the factory is not responsible for releasing/freeing/disposing it. This burden falls upon the object which requested the object from the factory
    - If you receive an instance of an object, you should not release/free/dispose it, unless you received the instance from a factory


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