Sunday, February 21, 2010

Brighton ALT.NET Beers. 7pm 2nd March at The Skiff

The next Brighton ALT.NET Beers will be held at the co-working venue ‘The Skiff’ at 7.00 pm on Tuesday 2nd of March. I’ll be hosting again, but our great leader, Mr Iain Holder, should be able to join us later.

The address is: The Skiff, 49 Cheltenham Place, Brighton, BN1 4AB

The format will be the same as usual, a quick round of suggestions for topics, voting and then an evening of beer and geekery.

See you there!

Creating x.509 certificates with Pluralsight self-cert

If, like me, you spend a fair amount of time playing with various security setups, you’ll be quite fed up with using makecert or OpenSSL and the IIS certificate management UI to create and install self-cert x.509 certificates.


But help is at hand. I recently discovered a useful little tool for generating x.509 certificates. It’s called ‘self-cert’ and it’s written by Keith Brown of Pluralsight. It’s pretty basic and doesn’t give you the control over your certificate that OpenSSL provides, but it does automatically install the certificate in the Windows certificate store which is a great benefit.

Download the bits here:

Keith has included all the source code for self-cert in the zip file including a nicely factored certificate creation library that wraps the Win32 crypto API. This means that you can easily create certificates programmatically:

using (var context = new CryptContext())

    var properties = new SelfSignedCertProperties()
        IsPrivateKeyExportable = true,
        KeyBitLength = 2048,
        Name = new X500DistinguishedName("cn=localhost"),
        ValidFrom = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1),
        ValidTo = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1)

    var certificate = context.CreateSelfSignedCertificate(properties);

    var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);

Here I’m using Keith’s CryptContext class to create an x.509 certificate and then I’m storing the certificate in the local machine’s certificate store.

I’m doing a fair amount of research into federated security and WIF for one of my clients at the moment, so I’m finding more about x.509 than perhaps I wanted to. This tool has been very useful for quickly putting together prototypes. I’ll be posting some more stuff on this soon.

Oh, and if you need a certificate from a CA, StartSSL seem to offering them for free.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

10 Advanced Windsor Tricks – 12. The NamingPartsSubsystem

Here’s part twelve of (slightly more than) 10 Advanced Windsor Tricks.

I’ve covered this before on this blog, but it was a while back and it’s such a neat trick that I don’t feel too bad about repeating myself. The NamingPartsSubsystem allows you to resolve components based on attributes. The attributes themselves are defined as part of the component’s name, so for example, we could have a component with a name like “thing:colour=red,version=2” and then resolve it by asking for a component with id “thing:colour=red”.

The name should match the following syntax:

<name>:<key 1>=<value 1>[,<key n>=<value n>]

Let’s say we define an interface and a number of classes that implement it:

private interface IThingy{}
private class Thing1 : IThingy {}
private class Thing2 : IThingy {}
private class Thing3 : IThingy {}
private class Thing4 : IThingy {}

Now we register them with various variations of the attributes ‘colour’ and ‘version’:

var container = new WindsorContainer();
container.Kernel.AddSubSystem(SubSystemConstants.NamingKey, new NamingPartsSubSystem());


Note the way we register the NamingPartsSubsystem.

OK, so now we have four different implementations of IThingy some red some blue, some version 1 and some version 2. Now if we just ask for a ‘thing’ we will get Thing1 since that was the first component named ‘thing:…’ that was registered:

var defaultThing = container.Resolve("thing");
Console.WriteLine("defaultThing = {0}", defaultThing.GetType().Name);

defaultThing = Thing1

If we ask for a red thing, we will still get Thing1 since that was the first red thing that was registered:

var redThing = container.Resolve("thing:colour=red");
Console.WriteLine("redThing.GetType().Name = {0}", redThing.GetType().Name);


redThing.GetType().Name = Thing1

If we ask for a blue thing we get Thing2 since that was the first blue thing that was registered:

var blueThing = container.Resolve("thing:colour=blue");
Console.Out.WriteLine("blueThing.GetType().Name = {0}", blueThing.GetType().Name);


blueThing.GetType().Name = Thing2

If we ask for a version 2 thing and we don’t care about the colour, we get Thing3, the first version 2 thing registered:

var version2 = container.Resolve("thing:version=2");
Console.Out.WriteLine("version2.GetType().Name = {0}", version2.GetType().Name);


version2.GetType().Name = Thing3

Finally if we ask for a version 2 blue thing, we get Thing4 since it’s the only thing that is both blue and version 4:

var blueThingVersion2 = container.Resolve("thing:colour=blue,version=2");
Console.Out.WriteLine("blueThingVersion2.GetType().Name = {0}", blueThingVersion2.GetType().Name);


blueThingVersion2.GetType().Name = Thing4

This is a very useful trick if you want to resolve components based on attributes that you configure them with. We’ll see a very neat use of this when we discuss IHandlerSelector next.

Friday, February 12, 2010

In praise of ELMAH

Do you have an ASP.NET application? Do you want to record any errors it might throw? Do you want an easy way to view the errors and possibly get them emailed, or even tweeted to you? Look no further ….

ELMAH stands for ‘Error Logging Modules and Handlers’. It’s an incredibly easy to use but full featured set of error logging bolt-on bits for ASP.NET. The committers list on the project page reads like a who’s who of .NET, so you can’t argue that it’s not well supported. The documentation is pretty good so I’m not going to try and give a blow-by-blow account of how to set it up, I just want to show how I’ve used it in Suteki Shop and how easy and simple it is to get up and running.

The first thing to note about ELMAH is that it requires zero change to your application’s code base. The only thing you might want to do is remove any existing error loggin. In fact the best application to use ELMAH with, is one where errors are simply allowed to bubble up to the ‘yellow screen of death’. Don’t forget: The first rule of exception handling: do not do exception handling.

In Suteki Shop I’d previously used the MVC Framework’s default Rescue behaviour, so the only real code change I made was to remove the [Rescue("Default")] attribute from my ControllerBase class. I also had to add the ELMAH assembly to my dependencies folder. But most of the work consists of changes to Web.config.

First I added a new config section, then the ELMAH UI endpoint httpHandler that shows the error log. This is so I can type and view any errors that Suteki Shop may throw (no it won’t work for you):

<add verb="POST,GET,HEAD" path="/elmah/elmah.axd" type="Elmah.ErrorLogPageFactory, Elmah" />

Update: I was contacted by Phil Haselden shortly after I wrote this post, pointing me to this stack overflow answer:
You need to secure the path to ‘elmah.axd’ by making it a child of a ‘virtual’ directory, which in my case I’ve named ‘elmah’, and then only allowing admin users access to that directory. If you don’t do this and simply secure ‘elmah.axd’, it’s possible for a user to view your ELMAH page with a URL like I’ve updated this post now, so if you follow these instructions you should be fine.

Next I added the ELMAH modules I required. I wanted to receive error notifications as tweets so I needed the core error log and the ErrorTweetModule:

<add name="ErrorLog" type="Elmah.ErrorLogModule, Elmah"/>
<add name="ErrorTweet" type="Elmah.ErrorTweetModule, Elmah"/>

The actual ELMAH configuration itself is done in the elmah config secion:

  <errorLog type="Elmah.XmlFileErrorLog, Elmah" logPath="~/App_Data" />
  <security allowRemoteAccess="1" />
  <errorTweet userName="sutekishop" password="sutekishops_password" 
    statusFormat="d @mikehadlow {Message}" />

You have to specify where you want the log to be stored - you can choose to put the log in a database, but I’m happy to have it written to an xml file in App_Data. I’ve also configured that I want to allow remote access so that I can view the log remotely.

To configure the twitter client I simply created a twitter account named ‘sutekishop’  and specified its user name, password and the format of the error message I want to send. Here I’m sending myself DMs of any error.

Lastly I configured the standard ASP.NET security so that only the admin account on suteki shop is able to view the elmah.axd page:

<location path="elmah">
      <allow users="the_admin_user"/>
      <deny users="*" />

This means that if you try browsing to you’ll be thrown back to the login page. If you could login as the administrator you would see this page:


Hmm, looks like a robot’s been doing some fishing and a user who’s session has expired is trying to go back and view their order. I probably shouldn’t throw for that, but return a nice information page instead.

The great thing is that I also get all these errors as tweets as well:


ELMAH is just so easy to configure and so easy to use that it seems the obvious first choice for error logging in any ASP.NET application.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

10 Advanced Windsor Tricks – 11. Type forwarding

Here’s part eleven of (slightly more than) 10 Advanced Windsor Tricks.

Have you noticed how I keep on putting off the WCF facility? It will come, I’m just waiting until I’ve got the time to do it justice. Instead, today’s trick is a nice easy one: type forwarding. This simply means that you can have a single component satisfy many services. As an example, say we have three interfaces:

public interface IThing
    string SayHello(string name);

public interface IWidget
    double Calculate(double a, double b);

public interface IWonder
    void DoesNothing();

Here’s a class called SrpViolator ;) It implements all three interfaces:

public class SrpViolator : IThing, IWidget, IWonder
    public string SayHello(string name)
        return string.Format("Hello {0} from SrpViolator", name);

    public double Calculate(double a, double b)
        return Math.Pow(a, b);

    public void DoesNothing()
        Console.WriteLine("Doing nothing");

Type forwarding allows us to register all three interfaces as satisfied by SrpViolator:

var container = new WindsorContainer()

Update: Krzysztof Kozmic has pointed out that you can also simply have a comma separated list of interfaces in the ‘For’ clause for exactly the same effect:

var container = new WindsorContainer()
            .For<IThing, IWidget, IWonder>()

Now we can resolve each interface independently, but behind the scenes they are all share the same implementation:

var thing = container.Resolve<IThing>();

var widget = container.Resolve<IWidget>();
Console.WriteLine("The answer is {0}", widget.Calculate(2, 3));

var wonder = container.Resolve<IWonder>();

Which outputs:

Hello Krzysztof from SrpViolator
The answer is 8
Doing nothing

Since SrpViolator is registered without specifying a lifestyle, it will have the default lifestyle: singleton. That means that ‘thing’, ‘widget’ and ‘wonder’ from the code snippet above are all the same instance of SrpViolator.

Type forwarding can be very useful, but note that the Single Responsibility Principle means that it’s generally considered bad practice to have a single class play many different roles.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

10 Advanced Windsor Tricks – 10. Configuration with type converters

Here’s part ten of (at least) 10 Advanced Windsor Tricks.

This trick follows on nicely from trick number 9, ‘Configuring fluently registered components with XML’. Sometimes you might want a configuration value other than a simple string or integer. Windsor provides the ITypeConverter interface that you can implement to supply complex configuration for your components.

As an example, let’s imagine we have a class, HealthMonitor, that pings a series to endpoints and checks that a particular string is returned before a timeout. We want to configure HealthMonitor with an array of HealthEnpoints that specify a URL, an expected string value and a timeout in seconds. Something like this:

public interface IHealthMonitor
    HealthEndpoint[] HealthEndpoints { get; }

public class HealthMonitor : IHealthMonitor
    public HealthEndpoint[] HealthEndpoints { get; private set; }

    public HealthMonitor(HealthEndpoint[] healthEndpoints)
        HealthEndpoints = healthEndpoints;

public class HealthEndpoint
    public string Url { get; private set; }
    public string Expect { get; private set; }
    public int TimeoutSeconds { get; private set; }

    public HealthEndpoint(string url, string expect, int timeoutSeconds)
        Url = url;
        Expect = expect;
        TimeoutSeconds = timeoutSeconds;

I’ve left any implementation details out of HealthMonitor, it simply takes an array of HealthEndpoints that we can then inspect. We want our XML configuration to look something like this:

<component id="healthMonitor">
          <expect>I am OK</expect>
          <expect>I am OK</expect>
          <expect>&lt;!doctype html&gt;</expect>

Note that we want to use the standard Windsor configuration to say that the ‘healthEndpoints’ constructor parameter is made up of an array and each element of that array is described by ‘item’. We get that without doing anything special.

However, we do need some way of telling Windsor that when a component has a HealthMonitor dependency it should read a ‘url’, ‘expect’ and ‘timeoutSeconds’ value from the configuration and then construct a HealthEndpoint. We do that with a type converter.

Here’s our HealthEndpoint type converter:

public class HealthEndpointTypeConverter : AbstractTypeConverter
    public override bool CanHandleType(Type type)
        return type == typeof (HealthEndpoint);

    public override object PerformConversion(string value, Type targetType)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public override object PerformConversion(IConfiguration configuration, Type targetType)
        var converter = new Converter(configuration.Children, Context);
        var url = converter.Get<string>("url");
        var expect = converter.Get<string>("expect");
        var timeoutSeconds = converter.Get<int>("timeoutSeconds");

        return new HealthEndpoint(url, expect, timeoutSeconds);

    private class Converter
        private readonly ConfigurationCollection configurationCollection;
        private readonly ITypeConverterContext context;

        public Converter(ConfigurationCollection configurationCollection, ITypeConverterContext context)
            this.configurationCollection = configurationCollection;
            this.context = context;

        public T Get<T>(string paramter)
            var configuration =  configurationCollection.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == paramter);
            if (configuration == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format(
                    "In the castle configuration, type '{0}' expects parameter '{1}' that was missing.",
                    typeof(T).Name, paramter));
            return (T) context.Composition.PerformConversion(configuration, typeof (T));

We implement AbstractTypeConverter which provides us with some plumbing and implement three methods: ‘CanHandleType’ which tells Windsor which type(s) we are interested in; and two overloads of ‘PerformConversion’, one that takes a string and a target type and one that takes the current configuration section and a target type. Since we want to interpret the current configuration of each ‘item’ we’ll implement the second ‘PerformConversion’ method.

I’ve got a simple internal class ‘Converter’ that keeps track of child nodes of the ‘item’ node and the current context. It simply looks up each required property and converts it to a target type. Once we have our ‘url’, ‘expect’ and ‘timeoutSeconds’ values we construct and return a new HealthEndpoint. Note that we use Windsor’s built-in type converters for the simple target types: ‘context.Composition.PerformConversion’.

Wiring the type converter with Windsor is not obvious. You have to grab Windsor’s ConversionManager sub-system and add the new type converter to that. You could wrap that step with a facility, but there’s also a nice extension point, IWindsorInstaller, that you can also use to wrap up complex setup pieces:

public class HealthMonitorTypeConveterInstaller : IWindsorInstaller
    public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
        var manager = (IConversionManager)container.Kernel.GetSubSystem(SubSystemConstants.ConversionManagerKey);
        manager.Add(new HealthEndpointTypeConverter());

Now we can bring it all together; installing our type converter and registering our HealthMonitor:

var container = new WindsorContainer()
    .Install(new HealthMonitorTypeConveterInstaller())

If we resolve an IHealthMonitor and write out its enpoints like this:

var healthMonitor = container.Resolve<IHealthMonitor>();

foreach (var healthEndpoint in healthMonitor.HealthEndpoints)
    Console.Out.WriteLine("healthEndpoint.Url = {0}", healthEndpoint.Url);
    Console.Out.WriteLine("healthEndpoint.Expect = {0}", healthEndpoint.Expect);
    Console.Out.WriteLine("healthEndpoint.TimeoutSeconds = {0}", healthEndpoint.TimeoutSeconds);

We get this output on the console:

healthEndpoint.Url =
healthEndpoint.Expect = I am OK
healthEndpoint.TimeoutSeconds = 5
healthEndpoint.Url =
healthEndpoint.Expect = I am OK
healthEndpoint.TimeoutSeconds = 5
healthEndpoint.Url =
healthEndpoint.Expect = <!doctype html>
healthEndpoint.TimeoutSeconds = 1

This is pretty simple example, but it’s possible to use type converters for some sophisticated configuration setups. Say you wanted to take some string value and parse it into a configuration class or maybe provide some kind of polymorphic configuration, all this can be done with a type converter.

OK, so that was trick 10, but don’t go away I’ve still got plenty more in the bag. Perhaps I should have used Scott Hanselman’s ‘… of an infinite series’ formula, but I quite like the fact that from now I’ll be over-delivering :)

Thursday, February 04, 2010

10 Advanced Windsor Tricks – 9. Configuring fluently registered components with XML

Here’s part nine of (at least) 10 Advanced Windsor Tricks.

Did you know that you can mix fluent and XML configuration for the same component. I’m not the only one who thinks XML component registration is a verbose pit of failure. But there are some things you really do not want to hard code into your application. Things like connection strings, the location of resources on the network and other deployment specific settings. Windsor provides a very nice story for setting property values on your components using an XML file without having to fall back on the awful appSettings or defining your own custom ConfigurationSection. Here’s how it’s done:

Let’s say we have a class ConfigurationThing with some string properties for configuring a database connection:

public interface IConfigurationThing
    string Server { get; set; }
    string Database { get; set; }
    string User { get; set; }
    string Password { get; set; }

public class ConfigurationThing : IConfigurationThing
    public string Server { get; set; }
    public string Database { get; set; }
    public string User { get; set; }
    public string Password { get; set; }

We can fluently register it as normal:

var container = new WindsorContainer()

Notice that we’re also including registration configuration from the file windsor.config. Also note that we give our IConfigurationThing service a name: ‘configuration’. Now in the windsor.config file we can configure the properties of ‘configuration’ by referencing it’s name – except that in the config file it’s confusingly called ‘id’:

    <component id="configuration">

This is exactly the same as the standard XML component registration, except that we don’t specify the ‘service’ and ‘type’ attributes of the component. Windsor simply looks for a component registered with the same ‘id’… or rather ‘name’.

Now when we resolve our IConfigurationThing its properties are set to the values we specified in windsor.config:

var configuration = container.Resolve<IConfigurationThing>();

Console.Out.WriteLine("configuration.Server = {0}", configuration.Server);
Console.Out.WriteLine("configuration.Database = {0}", configuration.Database);
Console.Out.WriteLine("configuration.User = {0}", configuration.User);
Console.Out.WriteLine("configuration.Password = {0}", configuration.Password);

Which outputs:

configuration.Server =
configuration.Database = sutekishop
configuration.User = thingApp
configuration.Password = 1am_th3th1ng

Because Server, Database, User and Password are properties rather than constructor arguments, the component resolution will not fail if they are not supplied, instead they will all be null. This can be a nice feature if you want to supply default arguments that can be overridden by configuration.

I use this technique a lot. Configuration is one of those unexpected benefits of using Windsor.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

10 Advanced Windsor Tricks – 8. Dependency graph visualisation

Here’s part eight of (at least) 10 Advanced Windsor Tricks.

A frequent complaint people have when they first get to grips with IoC Containers is that they find it hard to tell how their application composes at runtime. What’s needed is a clear description of the tree of dependencies in your application. This dependency ‘graph’ is built at registration time and Windsor exposes its dependency graph via the GraphNodes collection on the Kernel. The following class recursively walks down the GraphNodes tree and outputs the application’s complete component graph:

using System;
using System.IO;
using Castle.Core;
using Castle.Windsor;

namespace Suteki.Common.Windsor
    public class DependencyGraphWriter
        private readonly IWindsorContainer container;
        private TextWriter writer;

        public DependencyGraphWriter(IWindsorContainer container, TextWriter writer)
            this.container = container;
            this.writer = writer;

        public void Output()
            var graphNodes = container.Kernel.GraphNodes;

            foreach (var graphNode in graphNodes)
                if (graphNode.Dependers.Length != 0) continue;
                WalkGraph(graphNode, 0);

        private void WalkGraph(IVertex node, int level)
            var componentModel = node as ComponentModel;
            if (componentModel != null)
                writer.WriteLine("{0}{1} -> {2}", 
                    new string('\t', level), 

            foreach (var childNode in node.Adjacencies)
                WalkGraph(childNode, level + 1);

I usually have a test fixture that asserts various container registrations. Using the class above it’s easy to add a little explicit test that outputs the application’s graph:

[Test, Explicit]
public void Output_dependency_graph()
    var dependencyGraphWriter = new DependencyGraphWriter(container, Console.Out);

Here’s an small part of the output for Suteki Shop:

Suteki.Shop.Controllers.OrderStatusController -> Suteki.Shop.Controllers.OrderStatusController
    Suteki.Common.Repositories.IRepository`1 -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.Repository`1
        Suteki.Common.Repositories.IDataContextProvider -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.DataContextProvider
            Suteki.Common.Repositories.IConnectionStringProvider -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.ConnectionStringProvider
    Suteki.Shop.Services.IUserService -> Suteki.Shop.Services.UserService
        Suteki.Common.Repositories.IRepository`1 -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.Repository`1
            Suteki.Common.Repositories.IDataContextProvider -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.DataContextProvider
                Suteki.Common.Repositories.IConnectionStringProvider -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.ConnectionStringProvider
        Suteki.Shop.Services.IFormsAuthentication -> Suteki.Shop.Services.FormsAuthenticationWrapper
    Suteki.Shop.Services.IEmailService -> Suteki.Shop.Services.EmailService
        Suteki.Common.Services.IEmailBuilder -> Suteki.Common.Services.EmailBuilder
        Suteki.Common.Services.IEmailSender -> Suteki.Common.Services.EmailSenderLogger
            Suteki.Common.Services.IEmailSender -> Suteki.Common.Services.NullEmailSender
            Castle.Core.Logging.ILogger -> Castle.Services.Logging.Log4netIntegration.Log4netLogger
        Suteki.Shop.Services.IBaseControllerService -> Suteki.Shop.Services.BaseControllerService
            Suteki.Common.Repositories.IRepository`1 -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.Repository`1
                Suteki.Common.Repositories.IDataContextProvider -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.DataContextProvider
                    Suteki.Common.Repositories.IConnectionStringProvider -> Suteki.Common.Repositories.ConnectionStringProvider